Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Watch with me! Madoka Magica (Ep 5)

Conversations with Homura always reveal the most honest forms of everything. In the fifth episode, Madoka approaches Homura to ask her to protect her friend. Homura assures that the moment Sayaka made the contract, her fate was sealed. Makes me wonder if what I thought before was right. Homura is mad foreshadowing the end of Sayaka’s days, amirite or amiwrong?

Sayaka making a contract

Disheartened by that magical girls must give up on their lives for a single wish, Madoka goes to protect Sayaka herself by accompanying her. She’s pretty much ready at this point to make a contract if anything goes wrong. The girls find a familiar and Sayaka starts fighting it, only to be interrupted by the newcomer Kyoko. She starts reprimanding Sayaka for trying to kill the familiar before it’s taken a few more victims and finally turning into a witch. Kyoko then tries to crush Sayaka and Madoka’s disillusionment of the honourable and proud life of a magical girl. Magical girls are people who are trying to survive to protect their wish. So instead of “good” being codependent with “evil”, there is no such thing as good at all, just a hierarchy of power. Those who are at the top prey on those who are weaker. This theme is kind of cliché, but definitely not for anime. Most anime are focused on friendship and good vs. evil where a lot of the time there is a clear cut boundary between the two. In this one, there is no such thing, or at least, there are no definite sides or boundaries. It’s more like, everyone has to fend for themselves and they are alone in the process of it all. This episode is sombre. 

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