Saturday, January 4, 2014

Watch with me! Magica Madoka (Ep 6)

I got a little sidetracked with the holidays coming up, but Episode 6 was intense! Straight off the bat we see Kyoko backing off from a fight with Homura. Homura threatens Madoka directly this time, insisting that she should stay uninvolved. This anime makes me think about Sailor Moon and other shojo anime with the same motifs: cute cats awakening magical powers within ordinary girls who go out and fight evil. If you think about it, those girls always willingly become kick ass superheroes without reservation. Without question they accept their destiny. In this one, Madoka and Sayaka are both given the chance to reflect on what they are to give up…but enough about that.

We learn later on that the more magic you use, the more polluted the Soul Gem becomes, and this is all too ironic. What that means is that the magical girls are dependent on the grief seeds to clean out their Soul Gems. Sayaka is in desperate need to find more so that she doesn’t get her ass handed to her by Kyoko. But it seems to me, that Sayaka will be eliminated by none other than Homura who claims that she will quietly deal with Sayaka’s ending. 

Homura approaches Kyoko, telling her that a Walpurgishnacht is approaching their city. I have no idea what it means, but it sounds dangerous.

One thing in this episode that I don’t understand is Madoka’s conversation with her mother. Madoka says that her friend is having trouble lately trying to do the right thing, and her mother tells her that maybe she should make a mistake in order to save her. I wonder in what shape her mother’s strange advice will take form.

Anywho, Kyoko disregards Homura’s advice and goes to finish off Sayaka. Madoka is really frustrating because despite not knowing anything about the Soul Gem and how it operates, she throws away Sayaka’s Gem in order to keep her from fighting. When Sayaka’s body goes slack, Kyubey explains that Sayaka’s soul has been ripped out of her body and placed into the Gem, so that Magical Girls can fight more effectively. This is risky business, isn’t it? Anywho, more next time.

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