Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Watch with me! Madoka Magica (Ep 4)

So Mami’s death is being actualized, not remembrance or mourning, but by other things that I will reveal later.

Madoka is haunted by the image of Mami’s death, and she decides to back out of the deal. Homura tells Madoka that once magical girls die inside a labyrinth, she will forever remain a missing person, with no one to mourn for them. Madoka is horrified by this, and Homura also makes it clear that magical girls don’t fight to protect others, they fight to protect their wishes.

Sayaka, on the other hand, is struggling to open up Kyosuke’s heart, who is starting to become angry because the doctor confirmed that his fingers will never heal. He is heartbroken because he must give up playing the violin. Overcome with sadness, he crushes the CD that Sayaka brought him, cutting up his hand in the process.

the strange labyrinth
 Desperate to make him happy again, Sayaka tells Kyosuke that magic and miracles exist. At that precise moment Kyubey flashes before her eyes. And we know there this ends up. I’m not sure if Kyosuke will ever find out that the miracle was Sayaka's doing, and I’m not sure if Sayaka realizes what she’s sacrificed for the prepubescent boy who doesn’t seem appreciative of her at all.

Madoka realizes what her friend has done when she spots their third friend Hitomi walking to a warehouse with a witch stamp on her neck. When Madoka and Hitomi arrive to the warehouse there is a congregation of the witch’s victims who have gathered to kill themselves, and Madoka ends up getting caught in the labyrinth. Sayaka comes to the rescue, and a girl named Kyoko comes to claim Mami’s former territory, only to hear that Sayaka has claimed it, to her dismay. And that concludes this episode.

I don't have an analysis for this episode, but I just know it's not really going to end well for Sayaka I can feel it. She's the typical mess up character who meets a tragic ending because of her foolish actions. I really do pity her though...

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