Monday, August 26, 2013

Currently Watching: Le Chevalier D'Eon (Watch With Me!)

I don’t know what really intrigued me to start this anime. I had never even heard of it before, but I’m excited. First of all, the imagery is gorgeous, and the drawing style I must say is my favourite: almost Miyazaki-esque. The first episode opens up with a casket found in the river with a dead girl. She is Lia, the sister of our main character D’Eon who embarks on a hunt for his beloved sister’s killer. 
King Louis the XV reigns over France from his palace in Versailles at the time D’Eon finds his sister dead. As I love studying, reading and learning about the royal court life, I enjoy that this anime dedicates itself to realistically capture that era. Kings, earls and marquise donning fanciful dresses practicing traditions and customs have a cameo in every episode. D'Eon indeed is a nobleman who has the right to be present at court, but he leaves his privilege behind to unravel this mystery that will soon plague the nation.

Quickly the setting changes as D’Eon leaves Versailles and Anna, the girl who so desperately dotes on him, for Paris. He arrives in Paris to become part of the secret police who works under King Louis XV. Of course, when he arrives, he realizes that his sister's murderer is no ordinary criminal or abductor. Instead, an entirely dark side of religion, government, and high society is exposed as they grow closer to the truth. In search for a Russian suspect, they go into the Duc d'Orléans’s estate to look for him, and the Duke is obviously sketchy.With the permission of the Duke, they find inside the Russian’s residence, dead girls hanging up on the walls with strange tubes attached to them. They also find letters written in blood with a list of France's high ranking government officials. D’Eon reveals to his friend Bernis, that just before his sister’s death, he had a letter sent to him with a list of high ranking Russian government officials, signed by “NQM." 

We come to discover as the episode goes on that Lia was no innocent little girl herself. She was also involved with a secret society and kept many secrets from Anna as well as her brother. With all of this talk of secret organizations and whatnot, the first episode is actually quite hard to follow, but it left me intrigued with the twisted plot nevertheless.

*Duc d'Orléans will also be referred to as Duke of Orléans

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