Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Currently Watching: Le Chevalier D'Eon (Episode 2-3)

So I actually wasn’t going to write about the second episode, but I decided why not? There are a lot of important things to discuss anyways…

In the second episode we discover that 1) Lia has been possessing D’Eon to seek vengeance, as her raging lost spirit wanders the earth 2) The queen and king are definitely up to something, and play a much bigger role than I initially assumed and 3) This series has some serious supernatural happenin's. The queen, whom we discover has been (secretly?) talking to Belle, a creepy talking skull, has sent Robin to assist D'Eon on his journey. On the last episode, some things happened that had sent D'Eon back to Versailles unconscious. He asks Queen Marie about the mysterious code NQM, and there is an in depth allusion to the book of Psalms in the Christian Bible. Throughout the anime I’ve noticed the characters quoting either biblical verses or other famous religious lines, but this is a whole 'nother level. Any who, D’Eon leaves Versailles once again, and on his quest is also accompanied by Durande, his sister Lia’s lover/friend/companion, and his old fencing teacher Teillagory. It’s funny because as soon as the last member joins the group, the opposition unleashes an army of zombies on our heroes as if they were hiding in the alleyway waiting for them to have a chuckle before going out to destroy them. Caron, the series’ most powerful enemy yet, appears to finish off D’Eon while his companions are distracted trying to un-zombify the entire horde. However, Lia possesses D'Eon again and kicks Caron's ass and they manage to capture him. Durande, pretending to betray his companions, releases the enemy in order to have him run back to his masters. The dimwit of an enemy leads D’Eon to the Duc d'Orléans, who has been behind this operation this entire time, and is conspiring against the King. Dun Dun Dun...

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