Monday, November 5, 2012

Air TV

Gao. This blog is dedicated to a hot thing. Just kidding.

I had every intention of splitting this series into arcs to blog about, but it so happened that it was only twelve episodes long. Not only that, but when a series is so short, the plot seems to matter less and the content is extremely dense and meaningful. I'm not going to lie and say that this anime didn't confuse me. In fact, it confused the heck out of me. For example, why does Yukito turn into a crow? Hummm....

Anyhow, there happen to be several arcs in this series that include mini-stories of the people that Yukito Kunisaki impact or is impacted by. I'm amazed that I liked every single character in this anime and even empathized with them. I guess character development has to be perfect when the plot is of secondary importance.

At first we meet Yukito Kunisaki, a man who is looking for a girl in the sky with wings...and he happens to meet a girl named Misuzu Kamio who will tell him that she's been having these strange dreams of the past. As if this isn't predictable or obvious enough, Misuzu turns out to be the re-incarnation of that girl in the sky except she never shows her wings.

I love both Misuzu and Yukito. I love them together. At first did I think that it was creepy for them to fall in love? Absolutely...but in the end it's kind of pure and selfless and it's more like a deep friendship than anything else. I think that it's rare for me to like every single character in an anime series including the heroine or hero sometimes, but it is not the case here.

Within this already mini-series, we get two tinier stories embedded. One is of Kano, a girl who thinks that she has inherited magical powers but is possessed by a wandering mother's spirit. The other, which is of Minagi Tohno, is by far my bias. I loved this story so much. I'm not going to ruin it by summarizing the story (which I never do anyways), but if anything, I loved everything about this arc. Yukito discards (not really) Misuzu for a little while to create a pseudo-family with Minagi and her sister's spirit, Michiru. Then Minagi leaves and then...

we are suddenly without warning thrust into 994 CE, or a thousand years ago. This is the first summer, when Misuzu's former self Kanna is cursed as she flees by the monks who fear her and her power. Why it happened is not that important, in my honest opinion. What is important is that she falls in love with Ryuuya (Yukito's ancestor) and he promises to save her from the curse by leaving behind a child with Uraha (this part made me lol so hard). This entire thing with the curse is really confusing, but it was cute nonetheless.

One thing that I love about this series is that every moment is so significant. Every person or animal that gets a ten second screen time reveals his or her importance later on. I guess in a way that can make the story a tiny bit confusing, but it's not that hard to follow the main idea. I know that the theme of friendship, love and family is really cliche, but it's implied in a way that left an imprint on me. I didn't cry like my friend Hot Thing predicted, but it did leave a heavy feeling in my heart, which is an indicator that the story is really good.

Unfortunately, the ending is sad. This little reunion between Misuzu and her aunt-slash-adoptive-mother is pretty short-lived. One thing I think is really cool is that I think Haruko is supposed to be Uraha's counterpart, and that the three of them are family as Uraha, Kanna and Ryuuya were.

So I leave you with my favourite character, the winged doll of Yukito. No, I didn't like the fact that he turned into a crow, any yes, I'm not going to write about that because I'm childish. Next I'll be updating with my review of Castle in the Sky by Miyazaki. Hasta la vista sooner than later!

So, apparently according to Hot Thing I should rewrite this because she hates me. So I will after I rewatch it... :D

1 comment:

  1. NAISU!

    not going to flame you even though it's a day late. still, seriously though, nice writeup. it could've been nicer if you did some research before ranting--i mean, er, saying 'such and such' confused you.


    lastly, i would like to share this to you:

    it's basically Air summarized into one AMV, and the song happens to be an arrangement of one of the best OSTs in the anime (natsukage). i thought it was really cute; thought that you might like it as well.

