Tuesday, October 23, 2012

One Piece Movie: Mugiwara Chase

With the lack of time lately, I’ve not had any time to watch an entire series of anime. However, today I managed to set aside thirty minutes of my time to watch the One Piece movie, The Mugiwara Chase 3D…3D! You know, they say that you already decide if you like something or not within the first ten seconds, and if you want to talk about my first impression, I was extremely skeptical. Since it was 3D, there weren’t the original anime drawings, rather it was some pretty shittay graphics. Maybe I was expecting too much for a thirty minute movie, but in all honesty, One Piece brings in extremely high revenue…and this was all they could do? It was muy disappointing to say the least. Despite the fact that the graphics threw me off a bit, one perk was it that it made Usopp look significantly less ugly, and perhaps that is a good thing.

This adventure takes place in which I can only assume is the Grand Line since the entire crew is present. We start off with this old pirate-man who has nothing left but his one and only remaining nakama, Baz. If there is one standout character in this movie, it’s not our main heroes, but our dog friend. Baz is a dog who ate a zoan devil fruit of the eagle category (meaning: he can turn into this hellsa cool eagle). He can also become a hybrid mix of eagle and dog. I guess what I’m trying to say is, he’s sorta coo for such an old fat dog. I really liked the relationship between the old pirate man and Baz, because I'm kinda a sucker for these emotional things, and you would never expect that bird-dog to have so many tricks up his sleeve. Since we’re on the topic of tricks, we also get to see a lot of what Sunny can do. I know that the ship is not the most important part of the anime, but it’s cool that this movie really got to display Sunny in all its glory (literally so badass).
So we have this situation created where Luffy goes on this short and fast-paced chase for his straw hat (hence the title). Other than that there is a little bit of fighting with the marines involved as they end up landing on Marine Headquarters. It’s pretty standard and no great pains are involved which kinda sucked. However, if I had to point out the one thing that really irked me, it was that I felt like I was playing a video game as the force of attacks were coloured with vivid blues and reds…
Evidently, there is nothing much plot-wise but I can’t complain because I hate watching the movies that are just condensed version of the arcs in the original plot line. It’s refreshing, it was cute and it was really entertaining! However, because this entire graphics thing made the world so unfamiliar to me, I couldn’t help feeling a little detached from this emotionally…but kudos to trying something new, I guess.

So I leave you with this! Next time I will be back with a review of Air. Until then, hasta las vistas!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Romance Dawn

Very first encounter with Mugiwara
Sigh...a trip down memory lane. I don't even remember how many years ago I first watched these episodes. So the story begins with the Romance Dawn Arc, the first ever in the East Blue Saga. It is also known as the Captain Morgan Arc, but honestly Romance Dawn is exactly what I would call it. It is just the beginning of a beautiful, fantastical journey. In this arc you'll meet several characters including Luffy!

 I don't know, I think that an introduction of our main character bursting out of a barrel is the most appropriate way, dontcha think? Within the first episode there are several important characters including Coby. Coby is a cowardly boy who becomes inspired by Luffy.

The ugly thing is Captain Alvida of Probably the Most Insignificant Pirate Crew Ever. As meaningless as her existence is, I guess she's pretty fundamental to the development of Coby's character, who becomes significantly less whiny and annoying later on after finding courage to leave her ship.

Coby's reaction when Luffy tells him he plans to become the Pirate King
Luffy's interaction with Coby really reveals a lot about him and the sole reason behind his reckless actions. Luffy explains that he isn't afraid of death, and he is willing to die fighting to become the man with the most freedom. Well, isn't that just beautiful. Anyways, after this little talk, Coby decides to fight for his dreams of becoming a marine. Luffy's and Coby's friendship is significant, not so much to the storyline as to our understanding of Luffy's character. He is an inspiration, a friend, a comrade to friends and "foes" alike. Although Coby wants to be a marine, the greatest obstacle to Luffy's dreams of finding the One Piece and becoming the Pirate King, Luffy still encourages his dreams, because for Luffy, that is what his life is about.

made me seriously lol. she rips off her dress to reveal a bandana on her head?
There was one thing especially that was pleasantly surprising. It's one of those moments where you recognize someone important: "OMG I KNOW HER. JUST WAIT. YOU'LL SEE, JUST WAIT." Nami continuously makes small appearances in ways that portrays her character perfectly.

Nami discovering that the map has already been stolen
Not only do we get a clear image of Nami, but she also helps the views set their sights on the big picture: the Grand Line.

We also meet Zoro for the first time, and I can honestly say that I've loved Zoro the moment I saw him in all his intensity. After Luffy's encounter with the ugly thing, he decides that the Pirate Hunter would become his nakama. We learn of Zoro's ambitions and also get a glimpse of Kuina, his old rival and friend who we will fully meet in the next arc or so. I love this arc because we really see Zoro and Luffy working together from the bat. They have chemistry, they have bromance! Zoro's trust in his sencho really buds from here. I know that Luffy doesn't really have a first mate, but if he did have such a title, you know it would be Zoro.

First ever team work
They defeat Captain Morgan and his annoying ass son Helmeppo (remember him!). Captain Morgan is kind of a tyrant who abuses his strength and title. Which is why when Luffy and Zoro finished him off, the entire town regarded them as saviours, and were sent off like so:

I don't have anything really else to say about Captain Morgan, except when he witnessed Luffy's power he mentioned the Devil Fruits, which are supposed to be so rare, they are regarded as mere legends.

So yeah, apparently our main protagonist is something special. Anywhos, with the defeat of Captain Morgan, it brings us to the end of the Romance Dawn arc. From here on they'll face even harder obstacles (ahem* actually hard obstacles) and find even more nakama (comrades) to join their crew. I'm still trying to see how I should format each posts and what I should include in it, but for now I'll leave you with this, hasta la vista!

Friday, October 12, 2012

One Piece: Character Introduction

Hola, mis amigos! So, I am totally going to use this blog as an excuse to re-watch all 560ish episode of One Piece. I mean, how could I not write about my favourite anime of all time on my blog about anime? It is simply absurd. Since it is so supremely long I will write about one arc per post, including the filler arcs, so that you can decide it if it worth your time to watch them, as most filler arcs in my opinion are not of the callibre of those in the original storyline.

Before I start with the Romance Dawn Arc (of the East Blue Saga), I think I'll do a quick character introduction. The East Blue Saga introduces several core characters including our pirate heroes Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Nami, and Sanji. All minor or secondary characters will be introduced as they appear later on.

Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonist of this series. He is many things I cannot tell you about yet but I'm telling you he is even more interesting than you may think!
He sets off from his hometown to become the Pirate King, a title left unclaimed since the execution of Gol D. Roger...and do I think he's capable of finding the One Piece? When I first started watching the series, yes. I fully believed Luffy could. Now? I'm not entirely, 100%, feel-it-in-my-bones sure. Blasphemous? Perhaps, but this is another story for a later time. However, I think it is safe to say that Luffy remains my favourite character in One Piece, and perhaps my favourite character in all of anime.
Why? He's likable, and he's honest. He's rubber. He's naive but he has values that he won't compromise. Yup. That, and he's so badass for someone who theoretically has such a useless, silly power (again, he's rubber).

Zoro was my second favourite character until Luffy's Strawhat crew reached the Grand Line. Now, he must be my third or fourth favourite. He's motivated to become the world's greatest swordsman. Yes, he is driven to reach a goal to fulfill his promise to his deceased friend and rival (awee).  He's extremely disciplined and has a love for solitude. He's focused, centered, as well as observant (but he lacks sense of direction.. =.=)
When we first encounter him in the story, he uses Santoryu (or three-sword style) which is the same style that he uses later on in the series. This isn't to say though that his skillz remain stagnant, because he becomes monstrously strong. Trust me, he achieves great things.

I hate the crew's chef Sanji. Yes, I said it. I don't like him at all. Actually, I'm not so sure if it's appropriate for me to be so blatantly biased in a simple character introduction, but it's my blog so I don't care! What can I say? His curly eyebrows annoy me, and I honestly don't understand how his kicks from his stick-like legs can be developed much further. Later on he requires new "skills" but it seems like a lame attempt at trying to make Sanji become the interesting character that he is everything but.
Although to be fair, he adds quite a bit to the comedy, but not nearly as much as Usopp. In my opinion, Sanji just stands to be a filler character, since he is neither super strong (although subjective) or super funny like Usopp (also subjective). I guess I do kind of like him, but only because he's a Strawhat and not for any other reasons apart from that. Oh right, his characteristics: he's horny and he is good at cooking.

I also disliked Nami before reaching the Grand Line because all I saw was a greedy, self-absorbed, conniving girl who always identified herself separately from the Strawhats. She retains much of her bossy, greedy personality in the future, but that image becomes completely clouded by her kindness and compassion for others.
She becomes extremely useful later on because although she lacks in fighting skills, there is simply no one else who could hold a candle to her navigation skills (eg. Strong World!!!!!!)

Usopp, the Strawhat's sharpshooter, is also pretty useless aside from the small victories he has, but he is so funny. When the audience first meets Usopp, there is an obvious allusion to the boy who cries wolf. Yes, he is cowardly but I believe he has the heart of a true hero. *blush*
He is also pretty smart as he revamps Nami's weapon in the future using science! He also acts as a fill-in shipwright until the Strawhats find a proper one in Water 7.

The reason I wanted to introduce the characters is because watching One Piece has become such a personal thing to me. I know I sound so lame, but I've become so attached to these characters and their stories. I plan to write in a way that you can comprehend my posts without being aware of this fact, but it'll probably be a much more enjoyable read with it in mind.


So...I've decided to put a huge twist on this blog. I know it's been two years since I've posted anything on this, and I doubt anyone even follows it at all...but if anyone finds this little tiny diamond in the rough, I hope it doesn't lead to great disappointment. I've decided that I don't play enough games regularly enough to continue writing quality posts on this magical world of gaming, much less give advice on it. But never fear! I will still be writing here (ahem, will start writing here) on my favourite...

anime series and manga!!!!


Okay, calm down guys.

Ps. If you get my title reference, TROIS GOLD STARS FOR TOI